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My name is Laura Michelle Tate. I am 20 years old. I was born and raised in Pensacola, FL. I am a psychology major working on my bachelor's of science. I live with my awesome boyfriend Kenny.



I went to my share of local schools. These inclue at Scenic Heights, Ferry Pass, East Hill Christian, Pensacola High, Washington High, Pensacola State and now Florida State.

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I enjoy packing up a cooler of snacks on my bike and riding out to the beach. I love fishing, swimming and reading by the pool. I like puzzles and games like suduko whenever I cannot sleep. I volunteer whenever I have a spare moment. I love shopping and traveling. One day I hope to live in a very large city. [return to top]


I currently live in Panama City Beach and attend the Florida State University campus satellite. It's a beautiful area. Since it is a tourist area, there is so much for us to do that there is never a boring moment. In a typical weekend, we usually go to the beach, fish, ride go-karts, play mini golf, have a cookout by the pool, and much more. [return to top]


This is where I focused most of my volunteer hours

Camp Skamp Handicap Camp 100+ hours
Ronald McDonald House 50+ hours
Beach Cleanup 25+ hours